Pattern and Design

Georgia brought me her etch ‘n sketch, er, make that her Magna Doodle this morning with this beautiful design on it – G for Georgia and M for mama. I find myself constantly inspired by her sense of pattern and composition, ever since she started to put pen to paper, really. There’s something really cool about the way she organizes design elements. For instance, it had never occurred to me that a capital “G” looks like a spiral:

~ by jenzai on May 29, 2008.

3 Responses to “Pattern and Design”

  1. I really like the the super swirly top big G leading into the M…

  2. Wow. I might have to use your children as examples of active versus evocative versus passive gene-environment interactions. Tell Georgia I have a special affinity for spirals, would you?

  3. That looks like a magna doodle, not an etch-a-sketch. I agree that it’s awesome, tho.!

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